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2021 Restoration Projects

37 Volunteers / 250 Person Days / $60,000 In-Kind Value

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Project History

2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014


  Meadow Peak Project 

Meadow Peak Project

Kootenai National Forest

Throughout the spring and early summer, the NMLA helped the Libby Ranger District put finishing touches on Meadow Peak Lookout in preparation for it being placed in the program.  Tasks included attaching safety screen on the railing, making windows operable to allow for cross ventilation, digging an outhouse hole and installing a vault for a privy with a view.

 The lookout can now be rented from mid-June through late September. 


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Micah Miller

Chuck Manning

McGuire Lookout Project

Kootenai National Forest

The McGuire Lookout restoration project, a Forest Service Resource Advisory Committee funded project, started in mid-June with the removal of all windows to be restored offsite at the Murphy Lake Ranger Station and ended in October with the installation of the new shutters.  Other restoration efforts consisted of squaring and leveling the structure, repairing and replacing failing exterior siding and trim along with painting both the exterior and interior of the lookout.  Volunteers were Ruth McLaury, Greg Evans, Barb Hvizdak, Kathy Butterfield, Tammy Bogovich, Helen Tyree, Paul Perinchef, Ray Davis, Rick Davis, Marli Davis, Mark Gunther, Tyler Mellem, Chuck Stearns, John and Heidi McAllister and packers Andrew Cote (Montana Mountain West Outfitters), Jim Thramer, John Hawkins, Bart Healy (Backcountry Horsemen) and Casey Barns and Robin Connell (USFS Northern Region Pack String).


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  McGuire Project 

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Condition Assessment

Window Rehab


Chuck Manning

New Shutters

Window Installation


Tyler Mellem

USFS R-1 Pack String


Tyler Rounds


Rick Davis

Window Installation


Tyler Mellem

USFS R-1 Pack String


Marcy Goheen


  McGuire Window Glazing Project 

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McGuire Window Glazing Project

Kootenai National Forest

Windows were removed from McGuire Lookout

and moved to the trailhead by pack string.

The windows were transported to the Murphy Lake RS shop,

where 30 window panes were deglazed and removed from their frames. 

Frames were repaired and windows scraped. Glass was returned to the frames and reglazed.  After the glaze cured,  windows were painted and bundled for the mules of the Region One pack string to be transported to McGuire where they were reinstalled in repaired sashes. The crew of Mike Barham, Tamera Bogovich, Marli Davis, Ray Davis,

Barb Hvizdak, Larry Shadow, Chuck Stearns, Chuck Manning, Nancy Manning, Don Stolte,  Deb Starling, and Helen Tyree volunteered their time for this robust window rehab.

Rick Davis.....Crew Leader

Window Rehab


Rick Davis

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  Big Swede Project 

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(Big) Swede Lookout Project

 Kootenai National Forest

In 2021 we had two work projects.

The first – we glazed 52 windows, replaced catwalk posts, railing,

and replaced posts on the 1st and 2nd landings.  

In the second project, we scraped, sanded and painted the lookout.

Windows were taped in advance.

Loving the bright green tape that came off wonderfully after the painting! 

Keeping safety first we got everywhere we could reach. 

The painting should decrease the need for future maintenance of the structure.  

Folks from the Libby RD fire crew helped pack paint and some heavier boards, 

nice to remember how strong we once were!

In 2019 a new roof was put on and additional stabilizing of the roof in 2020.

A special thanks to all of the volunteers for the entire project in 2021.

Mark and Salena Beckwith, Larry Shadow, Barb Hzidak, Greg Evans, Bob and Deb Starling

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Deb Starling

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  Werner Peak Project 

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Werner Peak Lookout Project 

Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

We started this painting project last summer but the weather forced us to stop.  This year we finished painting the catwalk, railing and window trim plus touchup.  We are grateful to volunteers Barbara Boorman, Marli Davis, and Barb Hvizdak under the direction of Team Leader Rick Davis for this year's efforts.

Finally we wish to thank Troy Denmnan and Denman Construciton

personnel and equipment for the installation of a new pit toilet vault.


Whitney England

Troy Denman

DNRC Werner Rental  406.881.2371


Huckleberry Lookout Condition Assessment

Glacier National Park

At the end of July, NMLA Board Member Kyle Stetler and members Joann and Joe Schmidt ventured up to Huckleberry lookout to do a needs assessment for future project work. With blissfully cool weather and an overcast sky the group covered the 6 miles in just over 3 hours. The assessment identified need for future maintenance including dry rot, window reglazing, cracked exterior boards, failing catwalk railing, and painting.  Huckleberry Lookout is a 14'x14' wood structure similar to Apgar, but of a second design with the hip roof extended to cover the catwalk. The basic design differs from Forest Service L-4s in that the shutters are removable and do not fold up for shading. An original cupola lookout on the site was replaced by this structure in 1933. 


  Huckleberry Condition Assessment 



Kyle Stetler


  Scalplock Condition Assessment 

Scalplock Lookout Condition Assessment

Glacier National Park

The Scalplock Lookout condition assessment was conducted by NMLA volunteers Joe and Joann Schmidt, Traute Parrie and Molly Tingley. 

This volunteer crew found the lookout to be in good condition with only minor maintenance items noted as it was staffed and maintained byJake Fabrey during the fire season. Thank you Jake for sharing your mountaintop home with our crew. 

Access to Scalplock starts at the Walton Ranger Station and the trail climbs 4.5 miles to the lookout which overlooks the Middle Fork Drainage

and the southern part of Glacier National Park.



Traute Parrie


  Loneman Condition Assessment 

Loneman Condition Assessment

Glacier National Park

Loneman Lookout is located within Glacier National Park on its southern boundary

and accessed from Nyack Flats on the Middle Fork of the Flathead River. 

This lookout is a standard wood frame,

14x14-ft. cabin on a 10-ft. enclosed tower with catwalk.

The condition assessment was conducted over a two-day period by

Kathy Butterfield, Tammy Bogovich, Karen Downs and Eric Godin. 

Loneman lookout was found to be in good condition 

with only minor maintenance issues to be addressed.  

Trail access was a brushy 7 miles with an elevation gain of 3,100 vertical ft. 




Karen Downs

Kathy Butterfield

Project History

2022   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014

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